

An AI-powered platform for financial advisors and banks that provides support throughout the entire advisory process – from initial engagement to portfolio check-ups, recommendations, reporting, and communication.

Our holistic approach covers all types of financial and insurance products, ensuring comprehensive support for our clients.

Boost sales, profitability, and customer satisfaction

We empower financial advisors by improving their productivity and enabling them to increase assets under management, as well as management and advisory fees.

How it works

Our AI-based financial recommendation system can suggest a wide range of financial products and services, including various investments, life and liability insurance, loans, mortgages, and payment services. The algorithm continuously learns from customer and product data to improve its accuracy, incorporating user feedback and dynamically adapting to changing circumstances over time.

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Check out our use cases.

Private Bank with Financial Advisors

Retail Bank with multi distribution channels

Insurance products

Convert prospects and qualify leads